Click 4 Help is a solidary training event that aims to directly support IPSS, SMEs and university organizations in their development both internally and externally through digital.
This year, it will take place on March 7th and 8th and the event will revert to supporting ENTRAJUDA in the various areas where it operates. ENTRAJUDA is an IPSS with a totally innovative project in the area of ​​social solidarity, committed to helping solidarity institutions to improve their management and organization, so that they can combat poverty in Portugal with greater effectiveness and human warmth. Thus, this IPSS strengthens the non-profit sector, mobilizing and facilitating the involvement of people and companies that wish to associate themselves with their good will, making their work, knowledge, experience and the products and services they produce or provide.

The event will be held in person on the Gualtar (7th) and Azurém (8th) campuses, with two online training sessions (at the end of each day) and a live on the 8th, at 21:30.