Guimarães presents a new national level “super incubator” called Set.Up Guimarães. Strategically located in one of Portugal’s most industrialized regions, Set.Up Guimarães aims to create synergy among its various players through the whole county.


Thus, Set.Up Guimarães comes together with the goal to promote local entrepreneurship and innovative ideas, engaging in three large areas of knowledge: creative, technological and industrial.
In each of these new poles, the Municipality of Guimarães manages spaces designed to welcome potencial entrepreneurs or professionals in the above mentioned areas of knowledge into a structure that offers them privileged conditions for the start-up and development of projects.


Set.Up Guimarães provides workspaces at highly competitive prices, investing highly in facilities, as well as in knowledge and communication, enabling entrepreneurs to exchange experiences and to easily develop contact networks.


Set.Up Guimarães is divided into three sub-incubators: LabPac (creative area), TecPark (technological area) and Set.Up Industry.



Guimarães enjoys the rare privilege of combining a historical past with a strategy for the future that stands on economical, cultural, social, and environmental development, focusing on innovation/knowledge, industrialization and competitiveness, industrial fabric compatibility, and the articulation with several promoters as one the municipality’s main strategies.



Uuntil now, Set.Up Guimarães has supported over 120 startups, developed a network of over 30 mentors and organized hundreds of training and networking events for community startups.