Manuel Serrão

CEO at Associação Selectiva Moda; Entrepreneur in the area of consultancy, public relations, organization of fairs, namely events related to fashion, wine and gastronomy, congresses, exhibitions.  Diretor of Porto Fashion Week and Fashion Film Festival; Diretor of T Jornal and digital; Commentator on political, social and sports news in several media.

With a Bachelor of Law- Católica University (Lisbon), Manuel Serrão is an Entrepeneur in the area of consultancy, public relations, organization of fairs, namely events related to fashion, wine and gastronom, press and internet, congresses, exhibitions, parties, shows, festivals.


Former Vice-President of A.N.J.E- National Association of Young Entrepeneurs, for 6 years responsable for Portugal Fashion is currently the responsable for the organization of Porto Fashion Week that includes events as the only national trade fair of European fabrics and accessories and Portuguese confection- MODTISSIMO (57 editions), Porto Fashion Film Festival, iTechtextile Innovation Business Forum, Fashion District and Porto Fashion Week’s Night Out.


Is the CEO of Selectiva Moda Association, which celebrates 29 years this year and has been developing for the last 20 years an internationalization project in the textile and clothing industry with more than 200 Portuguese companies under the brand FROM PORTUGAL.


Director of T Tornal since its creation – August 2015, over the last few years, a commentator on political, social and sport news in various media, namely JN, Expresso, SIC, O Jogo, Lux, Independente, TSF, 24 hours, Comércio do Porto, RTP, Focus, Porto Canal, TVI 24.

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