Rita Santiago

Founder and CEO of ARS Innovation; Master on Computer Science technologies; R&D Enthusiast


Rita Santiago is currently CEO and founder of a consultancy focused on innovation and technology. Rita has a master’s degree in Computer Engineering and Telematics from the University of Aveiro, having started her professional career as a Researcher at the Telecommunications Institute. Always linked to innovation and digitalization, Rita has been working directly with innovation projects closely aligned with new technologies, such as IoT, 5G/B5G, interoperability, edge computing, data analytics, among others.

After managing the innovation department of a Portuguese SME, Rita is now working directly with national and European companies, integrated into different branches, with the aim of helping them enter into highly innovative proposals and projects, aiming for growth of your business. Furthermore, Rita collaborates directly with the technical departments of these companies to ensure coherent digitalization of operations, promoting resilient software architectures capable of responding to needs.

With regard to project management, Rita has experience and courses in the area, having led multidisciplinary project management teams. Finally, it is worth highlighting that he has several articles published in newspapers and conferences.

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