Elisabete Sá

PhD in Marketing and Strategy; Professor of Marketing, Strategy and Entrepreneurship at the School of Economics and Management, University of Minho; Scientific Mentor of three academic spin-offs; Consultant of startups and small businesses


Elisabete Sá is a Professor at the School of Economics and Management, University of Minho, with teaching, research, and outreach activities in the Marketing, Strategy, and Entrepreneurship areas.


She has over 15 years’ experience acting in the area of Entrepreneurship, in particular, in supporting the development of knowledge-based new businesses.


She coordinated and/or participated in several business idea acceleration programs and company setup programs through mentoring, training, and consultancy. She also develops activity in the fields of innovation and sustainable business models in collaboration with larger companies and entities and participated in a project to create a cross-border biotechnology cluster.


She is currently Innovation Strategy Officer at StartupCity Braga, within the scope of the Global StartupCities initiative.

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