PME certification is a service that, exclusively through electronic means, attests to the compliance of national companies with the criteria for micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

It is intended for micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises that wish to prove they have this status, as well as for public entities or those with protocols with them, which are required to demand proof of SME status for administrative procedures (allocation of support or other forms of positive discrimination for micro, small, or medium-sized enterprises).

Certification is entirely carried out online, on the IAPMEI website, through the online services area, eliminating the need to submit any documentation.

To obtain certification, companies fill out electronic forms where the necessary information to determine their status is collected and submit them along with a declaration of responsibility for the accuracy of the information provided. This results in the allocation of a micro, small, or medium-sized enterprise status, which takes immediate effect. This status can be immediately viewed online by the certified company and also by any entity required to demand proof of micro, small, or medium-sized enterprise status for administrative procedures, with this viewing being sufficient (and necessary) as proof.

The service ensures the possibility of permanent certification for any certified company, with mandatory recalculation of the status whenever significant events in its life (changes in corporate structure, acquisitions or alignments of shareholdings, submission of accounts for a new fiscal year, etc.) justify it. This way, it is ensured that each company benefits, at all times, from the status that effectively corresponds to its current relationship structure, taking into account the most suitable data on staff and finances.